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Instrument of Justice: Everything in life serves a purpose

The second book in CB Anslie’s series, “Instrument of Justice,” will remind you that everyone has purpose in life, and you will realize it when the time comes.

In "Instrument of Justice," Sevan Arkezian and his pregnant wife, Mason, work as massage therapists at their own spa. They are both empaths, people with psychic abilities who connect with their clients in order to alleviate or save them from their pain. Sevan, on the other hand, has another secret that he keeps hidden from everyone, including his pregnant wife. He is constantly haunted by a nightmare that he believes holds the key to who he is and his life's purpose, a purpose that he believes is predetermined and connects him to ancient and future generations. When a client dies unexpectedly, he is confronted with the need for justice in circumstances where the reach of the law and the courts is doubtful. It is then that Sevan finally realizes his true calling.

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