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NOBL Digest Issue No. 1: Things You Have to Keep in Mind When You Feel Like Giving Up

Reading and writing are noble pursuits. That’s why we created NOBL Digest, a weekly newsletter that celebrates and supports readers, authors, and writers. Get access to engaging articles, news, and stories that will enrich your mind and spark your creativity.

There will be times in your life when you'll feel down the drain. Feeling cheated by fate and asking yourself, "I've been trying and working so hard just for this?" When you believe you've done everything imaginable yet it's still not enough. And while you tried so hard to see the good side of things, everything seemed to turn against you. You lose all hope and feel that giving up seems to be so much easier.  
Very tempting, but please stay strong. Once you give up, you truly fail. Success stems from determination and the decision to persevere in the face of adversity. Many people believe that life is unfair, but when they achieve success, they understand that their mistakes and disappointments molded them for the better.  
As the famous author of the Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling said, “Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something. Unless you have lived cautiously, you might not have failed at all, but in which case, you might have failed by default. Failure taught me better things about my own self.” 

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